[microsound-announce] SB :: "Whatever we can describe at all ..."

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 29 13:52:53 EDT 2009

SoundBlog :: June 27th, 2009 [#316] "WHATEVER WE CAN DESCRIBE AT ALL ..."

A patent recently granted to Apple warped me back 13 years, to when I sat in front of the telly, graphing soccer matches into a notebook and ruminating on the elegant jiggling of little specks of dust in the hot summer air, whose coming into existence (their being the case) one can track down to a point at some near infinitesimal distance from an alpha (that might be also an omega) where, like in a meta pure data patch, time and space as we know it got load-banged into being... [ read more __ ]

[ permalink : http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00683.php#00683 ]--Have a great day!__ Harold Schellinx
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