[microsound-announce] tomorrow in my radio show I'll play

Philippe Petit philippe-petit at wanadoo.fr
Sat Jun 20 02:28:39 EDT 2009

BiP_HOp Generation on Radio Grenouille  //  88.8 FM
Sunday evenings  : 19:00 - 20:00 PM  //  Marseille  //  France



Ritornell: portable ocean										
VA. Störung (Störung)

Years Of Rice And Salt: plankton							
"Service Bell. EP" (Autoprod)

Tobacco: gross magik										
"Fucked Up Friends" (Anticon)

Ear Pwr: super animal bros. III									
"Super Animal Brothers III" (Carpark)

Los alamos: waiting for the drought								
"El fino arte de la venganza"

Matt Elliott: bomb the stock exchange							
"Howling Songs" (Ici d'Ailleurs)

Triade: contre-feux											
"L'Ardu" (Yolk)

Strings Of Consciousness: whale lake 							
"VA. Whale Music Remixed" (Terra Nova)

Määk's Spirit: I luss for bliss							
"Stroke" (Määk's Spirit)

Tartufi: engineering									
"Nests Of Waves & Wire" (Southern)

Gang Gang Dance: house jam							
"Saint Dymphna" (Warp)

Anathallo: italo										
"Canapy Glow" (Anticon)

Peter Broderick: awaken/panic/restraint					
"Music For Falling From Trees" (Erased Tapes (EU) / Western Vinyl (USA))

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