[microsound-announce] Ableton Live/MAX/MSP/Jitter Workshop Berlin Fri June 19

hatam at drfz.de hatam at drfz.de
Sun Jun 14 10:17:29 EDT 2009

Guitarist and electronic musician Christopher Willits jaunts across the
pond for a run of European live gigs 
previewing brand new material! In Berlin he will give an exclusive Ableton
Live and MAX/MSP/Jitter workshop 
followed by his audiovisual performance.


Friday, June 19th

7:00 pm, Ableton Live/MAX/MSP/Jitter workshop

9:00 pm, kyoka - DJ set

10:00 pm, performance Christopher Willits



Elsenstr. 52, 2. HH, 2. Etage

12059 Berlin


Cost: 10 Euros (workshop + performance)

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