[Microsound-announce] CONTENTS ONDA SONORA RADIO 30-01-08

Onda Sonora Radio ondasonoraradio at yahoo.es
Fri Feb 1 06:11:38 EST 2008

ONDA SONORA  (Experimental Radio Sessions), Madrid (ES) 
·Radio Círculo de Bellas Artes  100.4 FM 
Wednesday. 15h . www.circulobellasartes.com 
www.ondasonoraradio.com· Listen any time  http://www.artesonoro.org/archives/category/artesonororadio/radio_ondasonora/ 

  01.  MYSELF (Live in El Juglar. 02-02-08. 22:00h + The Joe K-plan)
Track:  Cores / Myro / My Sological War / My Five
Album: Me!
Label:  Whosbrain
 02.  OS LOOSERS (Live in El Perro Club. 01-02-08. 22:00h + Pier)
Track:  For All The Round Suns / Hanging From The Inner Cadaver
Album:  For All The  Round Suns / III
Label: Ruby Red
 03.  VALERIO COSI (Live in El Perro Club. 01-02-08. 22:00h + Pier)
Track:  Lovely Blue Cream / Silver Stars And Golden Moon / Harmonia Aag / Ending Of a  Mystic Riot / Orange Skies & Clouds
Album: Freedom Meditation Music Vol.  1
Label:  Students Of Decay
 04.  BAALTE (Live in Freeway. 02-02-08. 21:30h + Mundo Grua)
Track:  -
Album: -
Label: www.myspace.com/baalte
  05.  AU (Live in La Boite. 05-02-08. 22:00h + Picore &  Decapante)
Track:  Necesito Mas Informacion / Modernos Muertos /  Vamos Armados
Label: For Noise's Sake / Ozono Kids /  Gmw 


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 Note: This is an undemanded  message, but we have considered it could be interesting for you. If that's not  your case, then reply us with this subject for the message: "delete me", and you  will be inmediately out from the mailing. Thank you  


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