[Microsound-announce] 'FoundTaping' news .:. ("le chasseur")

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 31 13:15:21 EDT 2008

" Le chasseur " (foundtaping in brussels_ii)

When outside foundtaping, I'm like a hunter...
Watch "Le chasseur", a 4 minute u-Tube clip shot last year at Recyclart in
Brussels. Its soundtrack is an extract of the trio performance we did out
there with Jean-Jacques Duerinckx and Fabrizion Rota at the end of the
"Tape It : Found Tapes" event, june last year ...
Read about the cassette tape that I stole from a parked red Toyota, and
the audio cassette guide for christian pilgrims, found in the Rue Blaes ...

Then hurry over to the Found Tapes Exhibition on line store, to get your
copy of the limited cassette edition of "Found in Brussels" ...

[ permalink : http://harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00643.php ]
[ store : http://harsmedia.com/Chronson/FT/foundtapesshop.html ]

** have a great day!
__ Harold Schellinx

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