[Microsound-announce] Sanok Songlines

Martin Slawig martin at blackhole-factory.de
Mon Aug 4 03:58:50 EDT 2008

b l a c k h o l e - f a c t o r y  -  S a n o k   S o n g l i n e s  /
interactive installation

An analysis of time, memory and orientation. A space that shows a  
map of the region around Sanok as a double screen video projection,  
with sound. Fragments of traditional folklore and everyday culture  
of a collection of fieldrecordings, video and sound documents are  
in the map. "Walking" with the mouse cursor, the visitors are able to  
and remix those materials.
Sanok Songlines is a project of blackhole-factory (Braunschweig/  
Munich) in
co-operation with AudioTong Foundation (Krakau) and Lukasz Szalankiewicz
(Sanok/ Krakau) for Mediawave Festival Sanok, Poland, July 2008 and was
exhibited at BWA Galeria Sanocka, Poland.

documentation of the installation:

Sanok Songlines has been supported by
Niedersaechsisches Ministerium fuer Wissenschaft und Kultur, Stiftung
fuer deutsch-polnische Zusammenarbeit, Goethe-Institut Krakau

b l a c k h o l e - f a c t o r y
Berliner Platz 1
D-38102 Braunschweig
fon ++49.531.2876005
info at blackhole-factory.com

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