[Microsound-announce] [microsound-announce] Some free music

franz franzrosati at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 10:52:09 EDT 2007

Hi all

i've released some free electroacoustic-acousmatic music

*Francesco Rosati - Improvisation I - Digitalbiotope*

Improvisation I is a collection of electroacoustic-acousmatic
improvisations realized processing field recordings, sounds of metal and wooden  objects,
and string instruments like uke and classic guitar.

The tracks are improvised with my own custom MaxMSP patch called
granular.composer <http://franzrosati.com/wp/?page_id=21>

Improvisation I <http://digitalbiotope.net/index.php?menu=audio&work=db035_Francesco_Rosati_Improvisation_I>

digitalbiotope <http://digitalbiotope.net>

*Francesco Rosati - Pneuma Cycle - Neureal


Pneuma.Cycle is a collection of improvvisation made between may and june 
2007 with and older version of my granular.composer 

The names of the tracks are taken from Jainism, biology, physics and 
science and describes a path throught the cycle of life imagined like a 
slowed-down long breath, the pneuma cycle.

hope you'll download it and enjoy a lot!

Pneuma.Cycle <http://www.neureal.de/releases.htm>

Neureal.de <http://www.neureal.de>

I hope you enjoy my sounds and share my mp3s all around the net :)

best microsounds

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