Kim Cascone
kim at anechoicmedia.com
Fri Mar 23 16:17:42 EDT 2007
The Ministry of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía convokes the V
Electro-acoustic Miniatures International Contest that will be held
in accordance with the following rules:
1.There are no restrictions according to age or nationality.
2.The aim of the contest is the creation of sound miniatures using
the language of Electro-acoustic music. The minimum duration is of
two minutes, and the maximum five minutes. Pieces which do not meet
these requirements, will not be considered.
3.Only one piece may be presented.
4.Only one of the following two formats will be accepted: a) Audio CD
(not Wav) at 44.1 KHz and 16 bits. b) Mp3.
5.Pieces on CD should be sent by registered delivery to:
Delegación Provincial de Cultura · Junta de Andalucía
para: V Concurso Miniaturas Electroacústicas
Avda. de Alemania, 1 bis
21001 Huelva (ESPAÑA)
6.Pieces in Mp3 should be sent to miniatur at confluencias.org
7.In both cases, the name of the participant, a biography and a
contact address should figure, as well as information about the piece
(methods used, concept, graphics, etc.)
8.The closing date for presentation is the 15th July 2007 (11:59 PM
GMT, 15.07.07 for email sendings; 15.07.07 postmark for Post sendings).
9.A jury will select a total of thirteen miniatures from all those
10.A single prize of 3000 € will be awarded (subject to current
taxation). The contest cannot be declared void. The jury's decision
is final.
11.The jury will resolve all incidents arising from the
interpretation of these rules.
12.The authors selected authorise the publication of their work in a
promotional CD.
13.Participation in this contest implies the acceptance of its rules.
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