[Microsound-announce] Microsound-announce Digest, Vol 24, Issue 5

info at gonzocircus.com info at gonzocircus.com
Sun Mar 11 21:22:21 EDT 2007


We hebben uw bericht goed ontvangen en doen ons best om zo snel mogelijk te antwoorden. Wij zijn meestal te bereiken op ma-di 9u30 tot 11u30 en do-vr 9u30 tot 18u30.

Voor deadlines, het opsturen van promo's en vragen over meewerken aan Gonzo (circus), lees de informatie op onze website www.gonzocircus.com bij 'praktisch'.

Voor specifieke vragen kunt u terecht bij:

Abonnementen/Kado-cd's: abonnementen(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Advertenties: advertising(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Muziekcircuit/Agenda: agenda(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Kunstagenda: art(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Mind The Gap: mindthegap(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Beeldredactie: image(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Design: info(at)kaftwerk(com///)nl
Track13: track13(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com

Vriendelijke groet,

Het Gonzo-team


Dear reader,

We have received your e-mail and try to answer it as soon as possible. Our offices are open on mon-wed 9.30 am - 11.30 am and thu-fri 9.30 am - 6.30 pm.

For deadlines and informations on sending promocopies/information is on our website: www.gonzocircus.com under 'praktisch'.

For specific questions you can e-mail to:
Subscriptions: abonnementen(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Advertising: advertising(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Music listings: agenda(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Art listings: art(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Mind The Gap: mindthegap(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Art direction : image(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com
Design: info(at)kaftwerk(dot///)nl
Track13: track13(at)gonzocircus(dot///)com

Best wishes

The Gonzo-team

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