[Microsound-announce] ZIMOUN from leerraum [] label (Switzerland) Live in Toronto 1.04.08 (Revised)

yatra_arts yatra_arts at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 16 01:09:05 EST 2007

YATRA ARTS presents:

Zimoun (ch) «Statics III»
Live Surround Soundscapes in Complete Darkness

I/O (ca)

Friday January 4, 2008 at Interaccess Electronic Media Arts Centre 9pm - $5 
at the door   9 Ossington Avenue
Toronto (Northeast corner of Queen & Ossington)

***(NO ENTRY DURING Zimoun's set in progress and he will open the night). The set will 
take place in complete darkness.

Zimoun, born 1977, is an installation and sound artist from Bern, 
Switzerland. He also founded leerraum [], a label and network of artists who 
explore space, time, void, form and structure on reductive principles and 
careful, yet radical use of materials.

The sound performance «Statics III» has evolved from soundscapes (Statics I 
& II), which was created in collaboration with the sound artists Mahmoud 
Refat (Cairo) and Pe Lang (Zurich). «I am interested in a selective mix 
between living structures continuously generated or evolving by chance and 
chain reactions, contrasting with specifically delimited and contained 
space, in which these events are allowed to happen. The compositional 
intentions are manifesting themselves through my deliberate containment and 
cautious monitoring. Thus, I am not busying myself with chance factors and 
generative systems in order to discover unexpected results, but rather to 
attain the vitality aspired in the compositions.» (Zimoun)

I/O Media is a collective of Toronto-based sound and video artists exploring 
live, improvised performance. The group uses a wide variety of tools, 
including homemade hardware and software applications, analogue and video 
synthesizers, samplers and video mixers.



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