[Microsound-announce] Paris next wednesday :: Soirée SADO -- Sons à Domicile

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 30 15:35:10 EST 2006

// those on the list that are in or around Paris (France) next week might
enjoy the following event _________________________________  //
..... [ follows 1/2 , first of two ... ]
__* wednesday april 5th , Vincennes (m° Bérault) -- 20h
_** soirée SADO ['sons à domicile'] #1
this is the first in a peripatic series of monthly low volume home concerts
in the parisian area, organised by Mark Webster and Harold Schellinx (HarS),
with contributions by a variable group of soundicians and musicians, active
in the fields of improvisation and sonic experimentation ____
____{ if you are planning to visit Paris in the coming months, looking for
places to perform, and would be interested in contributing to a SADO 
feel free to contact us [[ see details below ]] 

This first SADO's contributions will arise from within and from around the
'baby grand piano' in my living room .... with:
__ Rinus van Alebeek, Cosmo Helectra, FlexRex, E. Rébus, Mark Webster and

paf:: € 3,-- \\ drink tokens :: € 1,--
[[ if you'd like to come over, mail: sado [at] harsmedia.com for the address 
how to enter, or, alternatively, you can phone me at .... ]]

happy to receive you ____

_____Harold Schellinx _______ http://soundblog.net/

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