[Microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 17.03.06

. m u r m e r . murmer at talk21.com
Thu Mar 23 12:12:27 EST 2006

framework broadcasts live fridays on resonance104.4fm in london (uk) or worldwide on http://www.resonancefm.com from 8-9pm gmt, and is repeated sundays from 7-8am gmt 


next live broadcast:    24.03.06 
~ time zone converter: http://www.thesaturnv.com/converter.html ~




framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity
presented by patrick mcginley

this edition centered around the two most recent in the brombron series of collaborative residencies, this time between joe colley & jason lescalleet, and howard stelzer & guiseppe ielasi.  these two are among the most successful in the series, in my opinion, creating two strong and diverse soundscapes.  we also heard several recordings from another compilation (not so new, but new to us!), this one called continental drifts:eastern and middle european movements in 2003, and featuring experimental soundworks from hungary, slovakia and romania, among others.  and we heard another recording by malaysian artist yeoh yin pin, examples of the long-running collaboration between dave phillips and r.h.y. yau, and the latest of viv corringham's shadow-walks series, in which she is led on a favorite walk by an invited guest, recording the initial walk and mixing it's sounds with her own recreation of the walk at a later time.

our next edition is tomorrow night, and it will be the first of a new series, called framework:afield, which i am happy to announce we will be producing.  starting in may, every second week we will air an edition of framework:afield.  these editions will be produced by special invited guests from around the world, most of whom have been regular contributors to framework over the years.  they are free to use the hour as they wish; some will create documentary programs, or untreated soundscapes, some will create mixes of their favorite records, but all will give us an insight into the varying perspectives on field recording in the greater global environment.  tomorrow we will have a single taster program, produced here in london by andrew jacques, who some of you may know for his long time work with these records.  andrew has created a single long soundscape from the recorded works of walter marchetti, who, looking back through our archives, i see we have only featured once on the program, and that back in 2002!  so i hope you can tune in for our introduction to this new project!

again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions.  send material, released or not, on any format, to the address below.   we are also hoping to have live performances as often as possible, so if you are in or passing through london please get in touch! 

31 nevill road
london n16 8sl

framework at talk21.com



dave pearson  /  framework intro
recorded in the kitchen while grinding spices and frying onions
daveatnevill at talk21.com

joe colley & jason lescalleet  /  prayer  /  annihilate this week  /  brombron
approaching a studio of immense resonating machines
joecolley at yahoo.com, tapeloops at hotmail.com, http://www.kormplastics.nl, http://www.extrapool.nl

yeoh yin pin  /  waktu subuh #212  /  waktu subuh #212  /  sudut
untreated recording from the artists window during a call for prayers

iftaf  /  coffee  /  continental drifts  /  ph
untreated recording of familiar morning sounds
http://www.iftaf.org, http://www.transacoustic-research.com

giuseppe ielasi & howard stelzer  /  ruin 3  /  night life  /  brombron
cassettes, guitar and twisted electronics create insects, feedback and scraping hums
http://www.howardstelzer.com, http://www.fringesrecordings.com, http://www.kormplastics.nl, http://www.extrapool.nl

dave phillips & r.h.y. yau  /  track six  /  illusion is a natural condition  /  auscultare
bursts of noise and animal and human vocalisations
http://www.groundfault.net, http://www.23five.org/rhy

lengow & HEyeRMEarS  /  no concept, no legal problems, no manners  /  continental drift  /  ph
collage of instrumental, machine, and ambient noises
hermear at hotmail.com

joe colley & jason lescalleet  /  nervous laughter  /  annihilate this week  /  brombron
bursts of birds, church bells, crowds, all descending into quiet static
joecolley at yahoo.com, tapeloops at hotmail.com, http://www.kormplastics.nl, http://www.extrapool.nl

dave phillips & r.h.y. yau  /  track thirteen  /  illusion is a natural condition  /  auscultare
this chorus of insects and growling beasts layer into colley and lescalleet's static
http://www.groundfault.net, http://www.23five.org/rhy

joszef juhasz  /  welding song 2003  /  continental drift  /  ph
deconstructed and reconstructed sounds of an arc-welder 

viv corringham  /  most average state  /  -  /  -
latest shadow-walk, this time hosted by fellow phonographer mike hallenbeck
vivdc at aol.com

joe colley & jason lescalleet  /  when the music's over  /  annihilate this week  /  brombron
a deep consoling hum (refrigeration?) thickens and intensifies, providing the backdrop for...
joecolley at yahoo.com, tapeloops at hotmail.com, http://www.kormplastics.nl, http://www.extrapool.nl

giuseppe ielasi & howard stelzer  /  losing our taste for the nightlife  /  night life  /  brombron
resonating objects, picked and manipulated strings delve into more natural recordings and tortured tape
http://www.howardstelzer.com, http://www.fringesrecordings.com, http://www.kormplastics.nl, http://www.extrapool.nl


framework intro submissions:

1)    take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice
2)    record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
3)    read the following text:

welcome to framework.

framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition.
field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen!

4)    continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking
5)    send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email


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