[Microsound-announce] Raudio___ http://raudio.nl/

HarS' Sound Chronicles hars7 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 20 17:23:23 EST 2006

   ** R A U D I O __ #_7 **


Raudio, PARK4DTV's _no beginning, no end_ web stream, has been evolving
for about two months now, into a brand new 'one audio main thing' made
up out of more than one hundred audio~files contributed by about twenty
eight audio~philes of some ten different nationalities :: together -
without repetitions - summing up to about four hours and a half of
**pure** sound ...

_to listen_: http://www.park.nl/digidivi/raudio.pls
_to read_1_: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00576.php
_to read_2_: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00577.php

[[ RAUDIO invites proposals for contributions to its next, *eight*,
edition ___ mailto: raudio [at] park.nl {_no attachments please_} ]]

  ** RAUDIO — P O D C A S T **

_feed_: http://www.park.nl/digidivi/RSS/podcast.xml
[[ if you use iTunes, you can look up 'Raudio' in the
Podcast department of Apple's Music Store ]]
Latest edition ... :{ #20 }: ... __raudio at Cosman's__
" .. 1980's master tapes, scratchy vinyl records picked from
the streets, comments, radio, news, and sirenes wailing for an
'illegal' chinese immigrant that jumped to his death ... it all
added up in raudio's improvised open air mix, inside old mr.
Okhuizen's booth on the Waterlooplein market in Amsterdam,
on tuesday march 14th ..."
_to read_: http://www.harsmedia.com/SoundBlog/Archief/00578.php


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