[Microsound-announce] Omnid 'camo ep' - new online release on con-v

conv convnetlabel at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 6 19:03:46 EDT 2006

It seems as though there isn't much room left for
dance music in the current avant-obsessed and
cut-throat world of experimental electronic music, but
New Jersey resident Albert Casais is keeping the party
going with his funk-infused Omnid project. Using an
array of cutting edge software and his trusty Nord
Lead, Casais creates a lyrical, but cold and robotic
journey through abstraction, culminating in the
slippery rhythms of 'milikk'--chunked trash beats
cemented by a dizzying lead, endlessly looped into the
void. But Omnid doesn't tarry long in this pulsating
universe, and soon the listener is left to sift
through the ashes during the fragmented refuse of
'Exxon Mobil'.


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