[Microsound-announce] CONTENTS ONDA SONORA 03/05/05
Onda Sonora Radio
ondasonoraradio at yahoo.es
Fri May 6 16:10:10 EDT 2005
·Radio Círculo de Bellas Artes 100.4 FM
Miércoles/Wednesday 15h -www.circulobellasartes.com
·Radio Autónoma 88.8 FM
Mie-Sab/Wed-Sat 16h -www.uam.es/ra
·Listen live real time -www.ondasonoraradio.com
Album: Essays On Radio: Can I Have 2 Minutes Of Your Time?
Label: Cronica Electronica
Esta semana dedicamos nuestra sesión al completo a la referencia número 20 del sello portugués Cronica Electronica, que se celebra por todo lo alto con múltiples presentaciones en diferentes radios de todo el mundo, incluyendo la Radio Nacional de Portugal y la emisora independiente londinense Resonance FM, aparte de nuestro espacio en la Radio del Círculo de Bellas Artes y en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
Esta compilación, un DVD y CD Audio convenientemente titulado "Essays On Radio: Can I Have 2 Minutes Of Your Time? ", contiene un total de 39 obras a cargo de otros tantos artistas, todas las piezas tienen una duración estándar de 120 segundos y están dedicadas al medio radiofónico. Por problemas de tiempo, no podremos escuchar a todos los protagonistas del disco, aunque hemos hecho lo posible por incluir una amplia muestra del material editado por Cronica en esta interesantísima referencia. Estos son los artistas cuyos trabajos sonarán esta semana:
We devote this week's whole session to the number 020 reference of the Portuguese label Cronica Electronica, which is being loudly celebrated with multiple appearances and presentations in different stations from all over the world, including the National Radio of Portugal and the London independent radio station Resonance FM, apart from our spaces in Madrid's Radio Circulo de Bellas Artes and the universitary Radio Autonoma.
This compilation, a DVD and Audio CD conveniently entitled "Essays On Radio: Can I Have 2 Minutes Of Your Time" contains a total of 39 works by so many artists, all the pieces have a standard lenght of 120 seconds and they are dedicated to the radiophonic media. Due to time questions, it is not possible for us to play all the protagonists of the album, though we have made our best to include a wide sample of the material released by Cronica in this more than interesting reference. This are the featured artists:
01. Longina: Oidar
02. Jörg Piringer: Sing/o
03 Gilles Aubry: Ridiot
04. Random Industries: Media Corrosion
05. @c: Int.13/35
06. Pedro Tudela: Atmosfera Reduzida
07. Tilia: Doublethinktank III: We Did Our Duty
08. General Magic: Chronomops
09. Antmanuv: Silent Haarp
10. Duran Vazquez: Goebbels' Pupils
11. Pal: 2ofmytime_x
12. Stephan Mathieu: Radiance
13. O.blaat: I Wish I Had My Coffee While The Radio Was ON
14. Ákos Garai: To Bjeller
15. Heimir Björgulfsson & Jonas Ohlsson: Thanks For Nothing
16. Boca Raton: Along The Line
17. Ok. Suitcase: -sf 0905-04
18. Vitor Joaquim: Radio_0
19. Pimmon: Ears That Hear
20. Pita: 59.5
21. Pawel Grabowski: Untitled 2:00
22. Autodigest: After The Orgy (7" Radio Edit)
23. The Beautiful Schizophonic: A Radiophonic Fairytale
24. Christine Fowler: 2 Minutes
25. Pure: Free Radio Azimuth
26. Steinbruchel: Am/Fm
27. Nick Dan & Sumugan Sivanesan: Radio05
29. Freiband: Gong Station & Chimes
30. James Eck Rippie: Radio
31. Ran Slavin: Golden Twilight Moments
32. Pablo Reche: Expo Radio
33. Paulo Raposo: Verbatim
34. Lawrence English: In Preparation
35. Miguel Carvalhais: 0303
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Note: This is an undemanded message, but we have considered it could be interesting for you. If thats not your case, then reply us with this subject for the message: delete me, and you will be inmediately out from the mailing. Thank you
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