[Microsound-announce] SUPERPURE!!! - GOTO10 sc/pd/pdp/osc Workshop - WAAG/MONTEVIDEO - AMSTERDAM NL

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Thu Jun 30 19:09:39 EDT 2005

sorry for xxx


Summer is hot and GOTO10 strikes back.


Back from the artic tundra where they were sent on mission for a few
years, some of the goto10 members finally found a way to the
reconciliation between two of the oldest secret held in whatsoever new
media technics.
During 4 days, students will be led into 2 approaches in real-time audio
and video processing: patching or coding... They will get kickstart from
those two approaches and will learn how make those two worlds
communicate for world peace and justice. 
The last day, all the participants will have time to focus and work
together on their own ideas in a complete network orgy. (mmm... let's
exchange some data all together ...).


    PD (aka Pure Data) is a real-time graphical programming environment
    for audio, video, and graphical processing. It is the third major
    branch of the family of patcher programming languages known as Max
    (Max/FTS, ISPW Max, Max/MSP, jMax, etc.) originally developed by
    Miller Puckette and company at IRCAM. The core of Pd is written and
    maintained by Miller Puckette and includes the work of many
    developers, making the whole package very much a community effort.

    It's hard to describe the possibilities of such an environment as
    its field of creation is almost infinite. From audio processing, to
    video, 2D/3D, interactivity, on-line experimentation, streaming and
    sensors, Pure-Data can handle all of these and provide a rock stable
    system which is perfect for performances and installations of any


                * white is white: my first patch
		* basic operations on numbers and messages
		* simple audio signal processing
		* building a synth, a matter of triggers
		* sub-patch vs. abstraction
		* pure dollars: variables in pd
		* and more !

    PDP is short for Pure Data Packet. It is a collection of objects for
    Pure Data, to be used for processing large chunks of data. It runs
    on Linux, and most of the objects work on Mac OSX.

    The subject of this session is mainly processing (live) video, and
    explains the basic idea behind PDP: how can you make interesting
    things with very simple building blocks: playing with light in much
    of the same way as you can do with sound.
    It all starts with input/output. PDP can be fed live video input and
    video clips (with/without sound). Once the data is represented as a
    packet inside PD, it is possible to start manipulating them. The
    most basic effect is to mix 2 packet streams to one: simple

    Much more things are possible once you start combining several of
    the basic blocks to build custom video effects. PDP explicitly
    avoids giving you a 'finished' product. This session will try to
    give you a deeper understanding about video and filters, and how to
    apply this to build video effects using PDP.

                * a day in an image packet life
                * basic i/o: mov, v4l, xv
                * image format: what are you processing?
                * colour/intensity processing: saturation, contrast,
		* spatial filters: convolution, blur, phaseshift
		* time based filters: delay, motion blur, phaseshift
                * nonlinear filters and flashy feedback and more !


    SuperCollider is a programming environment for real-time audio
    generation. It is one of the finest and most versatile softwares for
    musical applications of all kinds, such as algorithmic composition,
    interactive performance and sound installations.

    In this workshop, primary focus is learning to effectively apply
    SuperCollider for our own sound synthesis & performance needs.


                * overview: ugens, the synthesis building blocks
		* synthdefs
		* using routines and patterns for sequencing
                * debugging: why it won't work like that,
	   	  understanding errors.
                * tips and tricks and more !

     More important than getting specialised into one particular software
     or technic, is to think "modular" and how to exchange your knowledge
     with others. Collaboration and network are the keys.

     During the "ping me" sessions, the students will see how they
     can combine the simple applications they built during the
     previous days, into something much bigger they would never have
     been to achieve by getting stuck into the limitations of one
     particular sofware or technology.


                * introduction to OSC, netsend/receive
                * communication between pure data and supercollider
                * and more !


TUESDAY 11h-18h
 | "we love supercollider - for girls and boys" PART1
 | jan-kees van kampen

 | "bang!"
 | "Packet Cake" PART1
 | aymeric mansoux

THURSDAY 11h-18h
 | "we love supercollider - for girls and boys" PART2
 | "Packet Cake" PART2
 | hannes hölzl + jan-kees van kampen
 | tom schouten + aymeric mansoux

FRIDAY 11h-18h
 | "ping me" + NETWORK ORGY !!!
 | hannes hölzl + jan-kees van kampen
 | tom schouten + aymeric mansoux

SATURDAY 17h-18h
 | "so what..."
 | a public presentation of the taught tools


:DATE: 		26th->30th of july 2005 
:HOST: 		http://www.waag.org + http://www.montevideo.nl
:LANGUAGE: 	english
:FEE: 		75 euros
:LOCATION:  	Montevideo/Time Based Arts
            	Keizersgracht 264
            	1016 EV Amsterdam
:FOOD&DRINKS: 	free coffe and tea
:HOUSING: 	not included
:HARDWARE: 	Bring Your Own Laptop + provided linux workstations
:BOOKING: 	send resume to Cindy -at- montevideo -dot- nl


:* <- one klein goto10 bisou

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