[Microsound-announce] [playlist] framework - 22.07.05

. m u r m e r . murmer at talk21.com
Mon Jul 25 00:15:34 EDT 2005

framework broadcasts live every friday (except the first one of each month) on resonance104.4fm  in london (uk) or worldwide on http://www.resonancefm.com between 8:30 and 9:30pm bst, and is repeated the following wednesday between 11:00am and 12:00 noon bst

http://www.resonancefm.com/framework for info and archive (coming soon!)

next broadcast: 29.07.05
~ time zone converter: http://www.thesaturnv.com/converter.html




framework - phonography/field recording; contextual and decontextualized sound activity
presented by patrick mcginley

framework summer schedule: framework returns to live airing on 26.08.05 - this week we repeated our framework:focus edition from 17.12.04.  thanks to all those who've come out for my gigs in boston and nyc - it's been nice to put some faces to names!  one more in portland, maine next saturday...  full info for gigs is on my website: http://www.murmerings.com.  full repeat schedule for the next several weeks at the bottom of this mail.  and the original info from the first airing of this program:

this edition of framework:focus featured the work of jeph jerman - we sampled field recordings and compositions he has made over the years (both under his own name and as hands to) using typically inexpensive tape recorders and mics, giving his body of work a characteristic grainy, earthy sound.  this mixed with commentary and observation he recorded himself, on his work, sound in general, inspirations and anecdotes (we want a t-shirt with an anatomical drawing of an ear too)...  we think this is one of the best editions of framework:focus we've had the pleasure to produce yet...

for more information on jeph and his work, or to order any of his recordings (all of which he has made available on cdr for order direct from him) see his website - and soon, as it is rumored that the anomalous records site won't be available much longer - at http://www.anomalousrecords.com/jerman.  

(note: anomalous is now gone - you can currently find jeph's site at http://www.davidstanford.com/jerman/)

again, we are always looking for material for the show, whether raw field recordings, field recording based composition or introduction submissions.  send material, released or not, on any format, to the address below.   we are also hoping to have live performances as often as possible, so if you are in or passing through london please get in touch! 

31 nevill road
london n16 8sl

framework at talk21.com



(artist  /  title  /  album  /  label)

jeph jerman  /  -  /  four (four)  /  -

jeph jerman  /  window bars and light cord in wind, az.  /  sound, field recordings 1993-2003  /  -

jeph jerman  /  frijoles creek, n.m.  /  sound, field recordings 1993-2003  /  -

jeph jerman  /  -  /  animist quartets  /  alluvial recordings

hands to  /  do not touch them  /  do not touch them  /  sound of pig music

hands to  /  psychic vents  /  ?  /  ?

hands to  /  -  /  turn back the sun  /  bbp

hands to  /  -  /  hands to turn my hands to  /  zabriskie point

hands to  /  -  /  croatoan  /  alluvial recordings

jeph jerman  /  sycamore creek  /  -  /  -

jeph jerman  /  oak creek pipe  /  more sound, field recordings 2004  /  -

jeph jerman  /  cornville bridge  /  more sound, field recordings 2004  /  -

jeph jerman  /  bees  /  more sound, field recordings 2004  /  -

jeph jerman  /  flies  /  more sound, field recordings 2004  /  -

jeph jerman  /  water (carp)  /  more sound, field recordings 2004  /  -

jeph jerman  /  cornville bridge  /  more sound, field recordings 2004  /  -

jeph jerman  /  rain amp  /  more sound, field recordings 2004  /  -


framework summer repeat schedule
(air date  /  original air date  /  subject)

friday, 8 july, 8:30pm bst  /  framework:focus edition from 22 october 2004  /  chris watson: wildtracks
    (repeated on wednesday, 13 july, 11:00am bst)

friday, 15 july, 8:30pm bst  /  framework:focus edition from 19 november 2004  /  marc behrens: architectural commentaries
    (repeated on wednesday, 20 july, 11:00am bst)

friday, 22 july, 8:30pm bst  /  framework:focus edition from 17 december 2004  /  jeph jerman: the work of
    (no repeat due to special programming - sorry!)

friday, 29 july, 8:30pm bst  /  framework:focus edition from 18 february 2005  /  dallas simpson: peggy's paradise
    (no repeat due to special programming - sorry!)

friday, 12 august, 8:30pm bst  /  framework:focus edition from 18 march 2005  /  john kannenberg: the audible still life
    (repeated on wednesday, 27 july, 11:00am bst)

friday, 19 august, 8:30pm bst  /  framework:focus edition from 27 may 2005  /  aaron ximm: one minute vacations
    (repeated on wednesday, 27 july, 11:00am bst)


framework intro submissions:

1)    take yourself and an audio recording device to a location of your choice
2)    record for AT LEAST 1 minute before you -
3)    read the following text:

welcome to framework.

framework is a show consecrated to field recording, and it's use in composition.
field recording, phonography, the art of sound-hunting; open your ears and listen!

4)    continue your recording for AT LEAST 2 minutes after you've finish speaking
5)    send the recording on any format to the address above, or as an mp3 via email

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